How You Can Determine the Bias in a Leadtime Demand Forecast
In a global pandemic environment, lead-time demand forecasts become increasingly important in planning production capacities, managing product portfolios, and controlling inventory stock outs in the supply chain. In inventory planning, for example, the lead time demand is the total demand between the present and the anticipated time for the delivery after the next one if a reorder is made now to replenish the inventory. This delay is called the lead-time. Since lead time demand is a future demand (not yet observed), this needs to be forecasted. While models are designed to produce unbiased forecasts, how can we determine whether forecasts are biased or not over the desired lead-time. This means that individual point forecasts as well as the lead-time total can be biased.
In a previous article, I introduced a measure of accuracy for lead time demand forecasts that does not become unusable with intermittent demand, like the widely used Mean Absolutes Percentage Error (MAPE). The MAPE can be a seriously flawed accuracy measure, in general, and not just with zero demand occurrences. In another articleand website blog, I posted a new way you can forecast intermittent demand when the assumption of independence between intervals and nonzero demands is not plausible, making the Croston methods inappropriate. I use information-theoretic concepts, like KL Divergence, in this new approach to intermittent demand forecasting,
Creating the Actual Holdout Sample and Forecast Profiles
We start by defining a multi-step ahead or lead-time forecast as a Forecast Profile (FP). A forecast profile can be created by a model, a method, or informed judgment. The forecast profile of an m-step-ahead forecast makes up a sequence FP = { FP(1), FP(2), . . . , FP(m) } of point forecasts over the lead-time horizon. For example, the point forecasts can be hourly, daily, weekly or more aggregated time buckets.
I have been using real-world monthly holdout (training) data starting at time t = T and ending at time t = T + m, where m = 12. Typically, lead-times could be 2 months to 6 months or more, the time for an order to reach an inventory warehouse from the manufacturing plant. For operational and budget planning, the time horizon might be 12 months to 18 months. This 12-month pattern of point forecasts is called a Forecast Profile.
At the end of the forecast horizon or planning cycle, we can determine a corresponding Actual Profile AP ={ AP(1), AP(2), . . . , AP(m) } of actuals to compare with FP for an accuracy performance assessment. Familiar methods include the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The problem, in case of intermittent demand, is that some AP values can be zero, which leads to undefined terms in the MAPE.
We are approaching forecasting performance by considering the bias in the Forecast Profile using information-theoretic concepts of accuracy.
Coding a Profile into an Alphabet Profile
For a given Profile, the Alphabet Profile is a set of positive weights whose sum is one. That is, a Forecast Alphabet Profile is FAP = {f(1) f(2), . . . f(m)}, where f(i)= FP(i)/Sum FP(i). Likewise, the Actual Alphabet Profile is AAP = {a(1), a(2), . . . a(m)], where a(i) = AP(i)/Sum AP(i). The alphabet profiles are defined by:
But, what about the real data profiles FP and AP shown in the lower frame below ? For the spreadsheet data example, the two forecasts show different FP profiles.
When you code a forecast profile FP into the corresponding alphabet profile FAP, you can see that the demand pattern does not change for the Year-1 method, and ETS(AAM) model. (The models were explained in the previous articles)
In practice, the performance of a forecasting process leads us to make use of various metrics that need to be clearly defined first, so that in practice, planners and managers do not talk ‘apples and oranges’ and possibly misinterpret them. The alphabet profile is necessary in the construction of a ‘Statistical Bias’ measure I am proposing for lead-time demand forecasting for both regular and intermittent demand.
The relative entropy or divergence measure is used as a performance measure in various applications in meteorology, neuroscience and machine learning. I use it here as a measure of how a forecast profile diverges from the actual data profile. An accuracy measure for the forecast alphabet profile (FAP) is given by a Kullback-Leibler divergence measure D(a|f), which can be readily calculated in a spreadsheet.
For a perfect forecast, a(i) = f(i), for all i, so that D(a|f) = 0 and (shown below) FAP Miss = 0. Since D(a|f) can be shown to be greater than or equal to zero, this means that for a perfect forecast, zero is the best you can achieve. In all other cases, accuracy measure D(a|f) will be greater than zero. Thus, with a perfect forecast the coded alphabet profiles FAP and AAP are identical and overlap with no bias.
Now, a Forecast Alphabet Profile Miss or Bias is shown in the formula above . In information-theoretic terms the summation terms are known as ‘entropies’ and will be interpreted as information about AAP and FAP, respectively. The Miss or Bias is the difference between the two entropies. The unit of measurement is ‘nats’ because I am using natural logarithms in the formula or “logarithms to the base e”. In Information theory and climatology applications, it is more common to use “logarithms to the base 2”, so the units of measurement are then ‘bits’. The meaning of bias remains the same. By substituting for a(i)and f(i) in the logarithm terms in the above formula, we can show that
With a perfect forecast, the AP pattern and FP patterns are identical but do not overlap because the patterns do not have the same lead time totals. The profiles would be parallel but thus show a bias. Thus, the formula below is the desired bias term between FAP Miss and FP Miss, shown in the spreadsheet above in the last column (in bold). You can verify that when the total lead time forecast = total lead time actuals, then ln (1) = 0 and the Bias = 0. In the holdout sample, ETS model had the largest overall Bias; however, it had fewer and smaller swings of over and under forecasting in the point forecasts, so point forecast bias and lead-time demand total bias are both important.
But, This is Not All!
In a follow-up article, I will show that further examination of these information entropies, will lead to a Skill Score we can use to measure the performance of the forecaster in terms of how much the forecaster skill benefitted the forecasting process! Is it better or worse to have large over and under forecasting swings than it is to show an overall under forecasting bias of the total lead-time forecast? Hopefully, the Skill Score with give additional insight into the lead-time demand forecasting performance issue.
Try it out on your own data and see for yourself what biases you have in your lead-time demand forecasts and give me some of your comments in the meantime. I think it depends on the context and application, so be as specific as you can.
Hans Levenbach, PhD is Executive Director, CPDF Professional Development Training and Certification Programs. Dr. Hans is author of a new book (Change&Chance Embraced) on Demand Forecasting in the Supply Chainand created and conducts hands-on Professional Development Workshops on Demand Forecasting and Planning for multi-national supply chain companies worldwide. Hans is a Past President, Treasurer and former member of the Board of Directors of the International Institute of Forecasters. He is Owner/Manager of the LinkedIn groups
(1) Demand Forecaster Training and Certification, Blended Learning, Predictive Visualization, and
(2) New Product Forecasting and Innovation Planning, Cognitive Modeling, Predictive Visualization.